Enter your postcode below to see if you are in the practice’s catchment area.
If you reside outside our catchment area you can find further information here about where you may be able to register.
Catchment Area
It is necessary for all new patients wanting to register with the practice to book an appointment for a health screening examination with the Healthcare Assistant.
You will be given a time to see a doctor in accordance with the system used in this practice.
We ask that prospective patients bring bring ID and proof of address with you to the Surgery when you come to register though this is not compulsory.
Acceptable forms of Identification
- Photo ID or birth certificate
- Proof of address – this can be a utility bill or bank statement showing your registered address
Although you will have an individual doctor’s name on your medical card, in line with national directives you will actually be registered with the practice and not an individual GP. Therefore you are able to make an appointment with a doctor of your choice subject to availability of appointments.