Doctor And Nurse Availability
Times may vary occasionally subject to doctor availability, but this is generally Monday to Friday between 8.10am – 12.20pm and 2.00 – 5.20pm.
The practice closes one afternoon per month for staff training. During this time emergencies will be dealt with by NHS 111. Please see the practice notice board for a list of the training dates.
Book on day appointments
For urgent conditions you will be offered a consultation with our book on day team. The team consists of a Duty doctor, Nurse Practitioners, our Nursing Team and our Paramedic Practitioner.
Do not use the book on day surgery for sick notes, repeat prescriptions or to obtain results of tests.
The nurse can help you with:
- Wounds
- Cuts
- Bites
- Stings
- Burns
- Scalds
- Infections
- Hearing problems
- Blocked ears
- Vaginal discharge / Irritation
- Nose bleeds
- Diarrhoea and Vomiting
- Eye infections,
- “Morning after” pill
- Family planning
- Water infections
- Sunburn
- Diet
- Travel advice
Out-of-Hours Provider
The practice out-of-hours cover is provided by NHS 111. They can be contacted by dialling 111. This is a freephone number from both landlines and mobiles.
Your call will be answered by a trained operator who will arrange the most appropriate action for you. Your call may be answered or managed by a triage nurse or a duty doctor. You may be asked to visit the primary care centre (Whitehaven) or a visit from a mobile doctor may be arranged, if necessary. Your calls will be recorded.